RDG Solutions

RDG Guys Solution Integration

Presence Validation

Fully automated vision control enables our customers to deliver a superior and quality product.

Vision can be used as part of the manufacturing or packaging line quality control to confirm final products, components or packs are verified as complete and good for sale.

To verify parts, assemblies and packaged goods, our vision systems provide high speed, reliable options for checking the presence, size, position, shape and completeness of features.

This includes flaw detection to presence verification of clips, screws, springs, components and parts in place.

Machine vision systems are also used to check assemblies, sub-assemblies and components are complete and meet customer specifications and to automatically identify defects before parts leave the the production line allowing yields to increase and ppm counts to fall.

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1-800-734-4897 | 1-800-R DG-GUYS

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